Heavy Gear: Assault E3 and Kickstarter 2013

Heavy Gear Assault is a first person, mech-combat simulator being developed by Mektek Studios and Stompy Bot Productions. It's focus is on the sporting-event nature of arena-themed combat and the ability to control your character as well as pilot the gears. I served as one of the primary environment artists on the team during my time with Mektek. Duties included creating high and low poly models, textures, materials, level layouts, and implementing all of the above within Unreal 4.

For the 2013 Kickstarter I was responsible for a great deal of the environment art present in the gearbay promotional video. I made the ceiling assets (pipe excluded), the metal floors, the hangar door (holographics excluded), gear repair stalls(machines, panels, pipes, repair arm rails), pilot stairs, gear underground lift elevators, ceiling lights, pilot doors, hoses, as well as many other set dressing items in the scene.

Heavy Gear Assault E3 Trailer

Heavy Gear Assault: Paxton Arms